Crypto Sudoku Game Documentation

A comprehensive guide to the Web3-integrated Sudoku puzzle game

Sudoku Game Screenshot


Classic Sudoku

Traditional Sudoku puzzle game with engaging gameplay.

NFT Gated

Access requires ownership of a Crypto Sudoku NFT on Mint Sepolia or Monad Testnet network.


Submit your scores to a blockchain-based leaderboard system.

Dark Mode

Light and dark themes for comfortable gameplay in any setting.

Key Features

Auto-Generated Puzzles

Every game generates a unique puzzle with a guaranteed solution. Each puzzle is carefully designed for an enjoyable challenge.

NFT Authentication

Securely authenticate using your Web3 wallet. Access is granted only to users who own a Crypto Sudoku NFT, with a maximum supply of 10,000 NFTs.

Seasonal Leaderboards

Complete puzzles faster to climb the leaderboard. Each season offers a fresh start for competition.

Audio Feedback

Get satisfying audio feedback for correct and incorrect moves. Sound can be toggled on or off.

How to Play


Connect Your Wallet

Use the "Connect Wallet" button to authenticate with your Web3 wallet (MetaMask, WalletConnect, etc.).

Connect Wallet

Minting NFTs

Mint your Crypto Sudoku NFT on your selected network to gain access to the game. Each wallet can mint only one NFT (except for the contract owner).

Minting NFT

Choose Your Network

Select between Mint Sepolia or Monad Testnet networks. Each network has its own NFTs and leaderboard.

Choose Network

Start Game

Start the game if you already have the NFT on your selected network.

Start Game


Please Confirm Signature On Your Wallet.

Start Game

Solve the puzzle

Complete the puzzle as quickly as possible.

Solve Puzzle

Submit Your Score

When you complete a puzzle, submit your score to appear on the leaderboard for your selected network.

Submit Score

Sudoku Rules

  • Fill the 9×9 grid with numbers 1-9
  • Each row must contain all numbers from 1-9 without repetition
  • Each column must contain all numbers from 1-9 without repetition
  • Each 3×3 box must contain all numbers from 1-9 without repetition
  • You have a maximum of 10 mistakes before game over

Blockchain Integration

Supported Networks

Crypto Sudoku now supports multiple blockchain networks, giving players more options to participate:

Mint Sepolia Testnet

  • Network: Mint Sepolia Testnet
  • Chain ID: 1687
  • RPC URL:
  • Explorer:

Monad Testnet

  • Network: Monad Testnet
  • Chain ID: 10143
  • RPC URL:
  • Explorer:

Smart Contracts

NFT Contract (Mint Sepolia)


This contract manages the NFTs that grant access to the game on Mint Sepolia network. Limited to 10,000 total NFTs with one mint per wallet.

Leaderboard Contract (Mint Sepolia)


This contract stores player scores and manages the seasonal leaderboard system on Mint Sepolia.

NFT Contract (Monad Testnet)


This contract manages the NFTs that grant access to the game on Monad Testnet. Limited to 10,000 total NFTs with one mint per wallet.

Leaderboard Contract (Monad Testnet)


This contract stores player scores and manages the seasonal leaderboard system on Monad Testnet.

Score Submission Flow

Player completes puzzle
Server signs score and puzzle hash
Score submitted to blockchain
Leaderboard updated

Multichain Advantages

Network Flexibility

Choose the network that works best for you based on gas fees, transaction speed, or personal preference.

Increased Reliability

If one network experiences issues, you can switch to another network and continue playing without interruption.

Multiple Leaderboards

Compete in different network communities with separate leaderboard rankings.

NFT Smart Contract

NFT Access System

The Crypto Sudoku NFT contract is an enhanced ERC721 implementation with added features:

contract SudokuNFT is ERC721Enumerable, Ownable, ReentrancyGuard {
    using Strings for uint256;
    // Constants
    uint256 public constant MINT_PRICE = 0.01 ether;
    uint256 public constant MAX_SUPPLY = 10000;
    // State variables
    uint256 public currentTokenId;
    bool public mintingActive = true;
    mapping(address => bool) public hasMinted;
    // Events
    event SudokuNFTMinted(address indexed minter, uint256 indexed tokenId);
    event MintingStatusChanged(bool newStatus);
    event Withdrawal(address indexed to, uint256 amount);

Key features of the NFT contract include:

  • Supply Cap: Maximum of 10,000 NFTs can be minted
  • One-per-wallet: Each wallet can mint only one NFT (except for the contract owner)
  • Enhanced Security: ReentrancyGuard protects against reentrant attacks
  • Enumerable: Extended ERC721 with enumeration for better token management
  • Controlled Minting: Minting can be enabled/disabled by the contract owner
  • Secure Withdrawals: Uses the secure Check-Effects-Interactions pattern

NFT Minting Process

function mint() external payable nonReentrant mintingAllowed {
    // Check payment
    if (msg.value < MINT_PRICE) revert InsufficientPayment();
    // Check if already minted (except for owner)
    if (msg.sender != owner() && hasMinted[msg.sender]) revert AlreadyMinted();
    // Effect: increment token ID and mark wallet as minted
    uint256 newTokenId = currentTokenId + 1;
    currentTokenId = newTokenId;
    if (msg.sender != owner()) {
        hasMinted[msg.sender] = true;
    // Interaction: mint the token
    _safeMint(msg.sender, newTokenId);
    // Emit event
    emit SudokuNFTMinted(msg.sender, newTokenId);
    // Check if max supply reached after minting
    if (newTokenId >= MAX_SUPPLY) {
        mintingActive = false;
        emit MintingStatusChanged(false);

The minting process includes:

  • Non-reentrant function to prevent attacks
  • Payment verification (0.01 ETH required)
  • One mint per wallet check
  • Follow the Check-Effects-Interactions pattern for security
  • Automatic deactivation of minting when MAX_SUPPLY is reached

Leaderboard Smart Contract

Score Structure

Each player's score is stored in the Sudoku_Leaderboard_Optimized contract using the following structure:

struct Score {
    address player;    // Player's wallet address
    uint32 time;       // Completion time in seconds
    uint8 mistakes;    // Number of mistakes (0-9 maximum)
    uint32 points;     // Calculated points
    uint32 timestamp;  // When the score was submitted

Season Structure

Scores are organized into seasonal leaderboards:

struct SeasonInfo {
    uint32 startTime;  // When the season started
    uint32 endTime;    // When the season ends
    bool isActive;     // Whether the season is active
    uint16 scoreCount; // Number of scores in the season
    mapping(uint16 => Score) scores; // All scores in the season

Score Calculation

Points are calculated based on completion time and number of mistakes:

// Calculation constants
uint16 public constant MAX_TIME = 7200;        // 2 hours in seconds
uint8 public constant MAX_MISTAKES = 9;        // Maximum of 9 mistakes
uint16 public constant MISTAKE_PENALTY = 100;  // Each mistake costs 100 points

// Points calculation formula
function calculatePoints(uint32 _timeSeconds, uint8 _mistakes) public pure returns (uint32) {
    // Time points: time saved compared to maximum allowed time
    uint32 timePoints = MAX_TIME - _timeSeconds;
    // Penalty for mistakes
    uint32 mistakePenalty = uint32(_mistakes) * MISTAKE_PENALTY;
    // If penalties exceed time points, score is 0
    if (mistakePenalty >= timePoints) {
        return 0;
    // Final score calculation
    return timePoints - mistakePenalty;

Season Management

Seasons are managed through a combination of automatic and manual controls:

Automatic Season Reset

function checkAndUpdateSeason() public {
    SeasonInfo storage season = seasons[currentSeason];
    if (block.timestamp >= season.endTime + GRACE_PERIOD && season.isActive) {
        season.isActive = false;
        emit SeasonEnded(currentSeason, uint32(block.timestamp));

Seasons automatically reset when:

  • The current season's end time plus grace period has passed
  • The checkAndUpdateSeason() function is called (either by a user submission or by the automation contract)

Manual Season Reset

function forceEndCurrentSeason() external onlyOwner {
    SeasonInfo storage season = seasons[currentSeason];
    require(season.isActive, "Season already ended");
    season.isActive = false;
    season.endTime = uint32(block.timestamp);
    emit SeasonEnded(currentSeason, uint32(block.timestamp));

The contract owner can manually end the current season and start a new one using the forceEndCurrentSeason() function. This might be done for:

  • Special events or promotions
  • Addressing issues with the current season
  • Aligning season timelines with other game events

Automation Support

function automatedSeasonCheck() external onlyAutomation {

The contract also supports automated season checks through an automation contract (like Chainlink Automation), which can be configured to regularly call the automatedSeasonCheck() function to ensure seasons rotate on schedule even if there are no player interactions.

Season Parameters

  • Duration: Each season lasts 30 days (SEASON_DURATION)
  • Grace Period: 1 day after end time before automatic reset
  • Max Scores: Each season stores up to 100 top scores

Key Leaderboard Features

  • Seasonal Rotation: Leaderboards reset every 30 days to create fresh competition
  • NFT Authentication: Only NFT holders can submit scores
  • Anti-Cheating: Score submissions require server-side signature verification
  • Top 100 Ranking: Each season maintains the top 100 scores based on points
  • Optimized Storage: Gas-efficient data types and storage patterns

Score Submission Requirements

  • Player must own at least one Crypto Sudoku NFT
  • Time must be within the maximum allowed time (2 hours)
  • Mistakes must be 9 or fewer
  • Each signature can only be used once (prevents replay attacks)
  • Current season must be active
  • Score must be high enough to rank in top 100 (if season already has 100 scores)